Bright Fox

Bright Fox


Business Consultancy

About Us

Managers don't get taught the right stuff. And the mistakes cost them dearly, for YEARS.

And traditional Employee Assistance Programs are not fit for purpose and need to go.

Those two beliefs have seen me on a mission to make things better for you at work since I entered the workforce in 2007.

Workplaces don't work for people as well as they could.

Partly because the workplace, for some reason, is treated differently to the rest of the world.

So in 2018 I decided to stop trying to change things from the inside and start affecting change from out outside.

In two main ways:

Innovative Management Mentoring (particularly new managers)
Proactive staff support

I Provide mentoring for managers to teach them the skills they need to know but never get taught:

How to handle their anxiety.
What the metrics of success they have placed on themselves
are, and how to change unhelpful ones.
How to read the communication behind the behaviours of their
team to avoid misunderstandings.
How to become unbullyable.
How to work with staff so they never feel they have a '
'troublesome employee' ever again.
How to create a blueprint for quality 1:1's and team meetings.
How to nail their time management, comms and values.

And I provide proactive staff support. We don't wait for staff to be dealing with a negative situation, let that situation make them feel rubbish, then make them ask for help, then give them 6 sessions (if they are lucky) with a stranger, then hope they are fixed and take it away.

Instead we:

Provide proactive 1:1 support for staff BEFORE they get too
Work with them on core EQ skills: Emotional regulation,
resilience, self-awareness, empathy etc.
Provide anonymous feedback analysis to decision makers on
gaps and trends they can deal with proactively to stop them
getting worse.

I've been in business for 7 years now and in that time I am proud to have:

Delivered seminars to more than 500 staff across the UK.
Mentored managers and their teams across multiple
organisations in the South West.
Amassed over 600 positive reviews.
Worked with hundreds of staff on proactive, preventative
workplace wellbeing.
Accrued over 15 years experience working
in the client-focused sector.

And hold the (self-proclaimed) crown for being the most passionate advocate and cheerleader for workplaces anywhere in the known universe.
