Secret World Wildlife Rescue



About Us

Secret World Wildlife Rescue (SWWR) exists to relieve the suffering of British wildlife and to encourage respect and tolerance for wildlife. We do this by providing a rescue, rehabilitation, and release service for sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife, inspiring learning and sharing information about British wildlife and delivering professional training. Each year we help around 5,000 wild animals. We believe that every animal is important, and we respond to every one of the approximately 10,000 calls for help we receive annually.

Based in Somerset, we are a well-respected source of expertise and centre of excellence where all British wildlife receives the best possible care. We offer an extensive education programme and create resources for all levels, from schoolchildren to vets. Our aim is to inspire in people a love of wildlife and encourage them to protect it.

Every year in Britain over 5 million wild animals and birds are injured or orphaned, often as a result of contact with humans – because of farming methods, building works, pollution, traffic, pesticides and even deliberate cruelty. Sadly, many of these animals are left to die slow and agonising deaths.
Our wildlife care team, supported by our volunteer workforce, attend to our patients until they are either well enough to be returned to the wild, or if this is not possible, to be humanely euthanised.


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Secret World's Annual Auction and Ball
Secret World's Annual Auction and Ball