
Those within or with an interest in the engineering sector
Andrea Pyle
O2i Design Limited, Director
Chris Pratt
KTE Group (formerly Elecsis Ltd), Managing Director
Michael Morgan
MMES 2012 Ltd, Managing Director
Matthew Paul
Powertek Services Ltd, Managing Director
John Stephens
Visual Business, Creative Director
Helen Ibbotson
Safety Wise, Business Manager
Lisa Young
Berry & Escott Engineering, HR Manager
Benjamin White
A H Warren Trust Group, Business Development Manager
Martin Baker
TMB Patterns Limited, Managing Director
Sam McNabb
McNabb Rougier & Co, Director
John O'Connor
Osprey Shipping Ltd, General Manager (Projects)
Alistair House
A & R House (BCL) Ltd, Director
Andrew Maynard
Richard Milton
Aspect3Sixty Limited, Managing Director
Kerry Hake
Albert Goodman, Marketing Manager