For Consultants Trainers/Coaches and internal L+D depts - Free DiSC profile

Offer Valid: 07/17/2024 - 06/27/2026
Wileys Everything DiSC Personality profiling - enhance your workplace performance and build better relationships.
Are YOU looking for something special to elevate your business?
A Solution, an additional tool in the toolkit to help with workplace communication at any level?
Maybe you are looking to be accredited for a new training solution.
  • Everything DiSC® is an assessment-based learning experience that deepens self-awareness inspires appreciation of others and fosters effective collaboration in the workplace. Backed by over 40 years of research you can expect customisable solutions that meet your organisation’s unique training needs with us. Start on the path from personalised insight to cultural change today.

Book a 30-minute DiSCovery call with us and receive a free DiSC Workplace profile and a DiSCussion around your style, understand how it enhances and impacts your communication style with colleagues, customers, prospects and even friends and family. 

DiSC is NOT one-dimensional...

Everything DiSC offers a suite of applications accessible on WILEYS World Class CATALYST platform(below) all can be utilised in a 121 coaching session as well as being facilitated in a training environment with larger groups.  Both can be facilitated in person or virtually - Curious as to whether this could be the product that elevates your business.  Book a call now and sample it for yourself..

DiSC Workplace - Your preferences and tendencies in communication in the workplace
DiSC - Managers - How does your style of management enhance and impact those who work with and for you.
DiSC - Agile EQ - Elevate your human soft skills and self-awareness around Emotional Intelligence, and learn about your comfort zone and those areas that provide more of a challenge for you.
DiSC - Productive Conflict.  Explore your destructive conflict responses, and learn a method for making more productive choices in your response to conflict.
DiSC - Sales - This application teaches participants to stretch beyond their natural Sales style to more effectively adapt to their customer's preferences and expectations— regardless of the customer’s unique buying style
DiSC - Work of Leaders lays out a clear path for helping leaders at all levels make the connection between their DiSC style and leadership.

This Inter-Membership Offer is promoted by Somerset Chamber of Commerce .