Inter-Membership Offers

For Consultants Trainers/Coaches and internal L+D depts - Free DiSC profile

Unlock engagement, inspire collaboration, and ignite cultural transformation with Everything DiSC®.Improve workplace culture with personalised insights that inspire behavioural change.

Wileys Everything DiSC Personality profiling - enhance your workplace performance and build better relationships.

Take our 24 question Marketing Health Check & discover your NEXT step.

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Join as a gym member at Cricket St Thomas Golf Club on any of our membership categories from now for 12 months for only £299.00. Free inductions available with one of our personal trainers. Payment can be made up front or over 12-monthly payments via a credit scheme. Contact Alex or Matt on or 01460 30231 Ext. 3 for more information now.

Join for 12 months at the area's premier adults only gym facility now.

20% off Any DiSC personality assessments

Why not elevate your team and organisation's performance by investing in your people's ability to build better relationships with each other? Leverage their unique abilities as different personalities style and what it brings to your workplace. Enhance individual's ability to better control their emotional and social interactions with our Emotional Intelligence training and even turn destructive conflict into a productive conflict that's inevitable in the workplace.

Wileys Everything DiSC Personality profiling - enhance your workplace performance and build better relationships.