Leveller Publishing Group

Leveller Publishing Group



About Us

The Leveller is Somerset's largest circulation newspaper.

Covering local news and current affairs with Somerset's leading entertainment and culture section too.

In 8 years our circulation has grown from 1,000 to over 13,500

Now with over 64 pages per issue we are the only newspaper that offers a substantial coverage to the whole of the county (as defined by Somerset County Council).

This means we are the only newspaper that can give you county wide coverage for an ad campaign.

We publish on the 15th of the month - our copy deadline is usually the 29th of the prior month.

We provide an up to date news service online at ''levellerlive'' in between our hard copy issues. But we don't publish items for the sake of it to generate web traffic. If it is not that newsworthy, we won't be publishing it.

We distribute throughout the county using over 200 ''non-traditional'' outlets including post offices, church porches, stations, cafes bars and even the occasional newsagent!

Yes we do social media too and have a presence on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Whilst these media are clearly important, there is we would suggest, some merit in a community where people trade with each other, trust the companies within that community, know they are not fake and know their data will not be passed on without them even knowing. The Leveller is that community.

We don't keep or sell personal data, even when we run competitions. We reject advertisers whose bona fides we cannot check. In short we are building a community where people trust our advertisers and where people come for local news that they cannot find anywhere else.

Remember Alan Greenspan himself suggested there is evidence that up to 50% of Facebook accounts are fake. So careful targeting is all well and good, if you don't mind the fact there is a 50;50 chance that your target is not a Somerset resident but a Russian robot posing as one!

Talk to us. We don't bite and even if we have a passion for hard news we also like promoting local business.

No we do not do advertorials. It is part of our pitch to the reader. An advertorial is a fraud on the reader. But if you advertise with us, we will always be interested in running genuine editorial for you. This means we write it - even if it is based on your material. It also means when people read it they trust it. They trust it is genuine, not an ad disguised as editorial and they are going to respect your brand much more as a result.

We are the only newspaper business in the south west (probably in England) to show constant growth in readers and circulation for 8 years. So we must be doing something right.

And more readers mean more people to see your advert.

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